SageMaker fundamentals for R users - 01: Connecting RStudio to SageMaker

The SageMaker Fundamentals for R users article series is for experienced R users with no prior Amazon SageMaker knowledge, who want to use their own (local) RStudio installation as an alternative to SageMaker Notebooks to connect to SageMaker to train, tune, evaluate, deploy and monitor machine learning models in the cloud.

We will use a single project example throughout the article series to explain the entire machine learning process end-to-end using SageMaker from a data science practitioner perspective. In addition, you will gain gain a solid understanding of the underlying SageMaker fundamentals, such as what happens behind the scenes when a training, tuning job or batch inference job is started. We show R recipes and best practices on how to parse and visualize the responses returned from Amazon SageMaker in the different stages of the machine learning process.

We will use the reticulate package as an R interface to Python to make API calls to SageMaker using the SageMaker Python SDK.

This first article of the series solely focuses on how to prepare and configure your RStudio environment that should be used to connect to Amazon SageMaker. We assume that you install all necessary prerequisites from scratch.

The entire code of this article is also part of a self-paced and fully reproducible workshop that you can download from GitHub here.

Installing reticulate and miniconda

We get started by launching R/RStudio to install the reticulate package and miniconda on your machine:




If you are using Windows, then after installing miniconda, please make sure to add the following entries to your system PATH variable, otherwise the reticulate::conda_install() commands below will fail when setting the pip = TRUE argument. It took me quite a long time to figure this out. See also this discussion on GitHub on that topic which solved the issue: (If you don’t want to edit the system PATH variable, please check out the Alternative package installation paragraph in the next section as an alternative approach when creating our Amazon SageMaker-specific conda environment.)


%Miniconda3_DIR% should be substituted by your Miniconda installation path.

Please, close and re-open R/RStudio after editing your system PATH variable (restarting the R session within RStudio won’t be enough).

Creating an Amazon SageMaker conda environment

Next, we will create a new conda environment which we will use throughout this course to connect to Amazon SageMaker:



If you installed everything from scratch so far, you should now see three listed conda environments: r-miniconda which came with the miniconda installation, r-reticluate which is the standard environment used by the reticulate package, and sagemaker-r which we just created:


##           name
## 1  r-miniconda
## 2 r-reticulate
## 3  sagemaker-r
##                                                                             python
## 1                     C:\\Users\\alexlemm\\AppData\\Local\\r-miniconda\\python.exe
## 2 C:\\Users\\alexlemm\\AppData\\Local\\r-miniconda\\envs\\r-reticulate\\python.exe
## 3  C:\\Users\\alexlemm\\AppData\\Local\\r-miniconda\\envs\\sagemaker-r\\python.exe

Now, we will install the necessary Python packages in our new environment. We only install pandas in our environment to avoid getting a warning message every time we import the Amazon SageMaker Python module in our R scripts. Otherwise we won’t need/use pandas.

conda_install("sagemaker-r", "boto3", pip = TRUE)
conda_install("sagemaker-r", "sagemaker", pip = TRUE)
conda_install("sagemaker-r", "pandas")

Alternative package installation: If you don’t like to edit your system PATH variable in order to install Python libraries using pip from R, skip the last code block above and do the following instead:

  • Outside of this notebook open Anaconda Prompt.
  • Activate the environment you just created via conda activate sagemaker-r.
  • Install boto3 by executing pip install boto3.
  • Install sagemaker by executing pip install sagemaker.
  • Install pandas by executing conda install pandas.
  • Close Anaconda Prompt.

Configuring your AWS credentials

Before you can begin using sagemaker and boto3, you need to set up your AWS authentication credentials on your machine. Credentials for your AWS account can be found in Identity & Access Management (IAM) when logged in to the AWS console. You can create or use an existing AWS user depending on your privileges. Assuming that you already have an AWS user configured, please do the following:

  • In the AWS Console navigate to IAM and click on Users in the left sidebar.
  • Click on your user in the user table and then select the Security credentials tab.
  • Click on Create access key and make sure to copy both the Access key ID and the Secret access key.

On your machine, create a credential file at ~/.aws/credentials and add the following (credentials is the name of the file and it does not have a file extension):

aws_access_key_id = [YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID]
aws_secret_access_key = [YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]

You may also want to set a default region of your choice. This can be done in the configuration file you can create at ~/.aws/config (Again, config is the name of the file and it does not have a file extension). We will use us-east-1 as our standard region:


Important: Make sure to set a default region in which the SageMaker service is available. See the AWS region table for the latest information on regional service availability.

Creating an IAM role for Amazon SageMaker

Functions that we will use to execute training and tuning jobs on Amazon SageMaker later require to pass an IAM role that will give Amazon SageMaker permission to perform actions in other AWS services on your behalf. For instance, the Amazon SageMaker training jobs use this role to access training data that resides in S3. Roles are specified via Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) that uniquely identify AWS resources.

Below we describe two alternative ways to create the role: Via the AWS Console or programmatically.

After we will have created the role, we will copy its ARN and save it as an R environment variable.

Option 1: Creating the role via the AWS Console

We need to log on to the AWS console and create the respective role while configuring the launch options of an Amazon SageMaker notebook.

To do so, please execute the following steps:

  • Log in to the AWS Console and navigate to the SageMaker service.
  • In the left sidebar go to Notebook instances and click on Create notebook instance.
  • Go to the Permissions and encryption section and select Create new IAM role from the drop-down menu.
  • In the Create an IAM role window under S3 buckets you specify - optional select None and go with the remaining defaults.
  • Click on Create role
  • You will now see a message “Success! You created an IAM role”. Click on the link that is part of the message that will bring you to IAM.
  • Copy the Role ARN which has the following format to your clipboard: arn:aws:iam::[YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID]:role/service-role/AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-[RESOURCE_ID].
  • You can now leave the AWS Console and you do not need to create the notebook instance.

Option 2: Creating the role programmatically

You can also create the role you generated in the section above with the exact same permissions programmatically by executing the following code:

# Activate the conda environment we created earlier
use_condaenv("sagemaker-r", required = TRUE)

# Create a boto3 client to access IAM
boto3 <- import("boto3")
iam_client <- boto3$client("iam")

time_stamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S")

role_name = paste0("AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-", time_stamp)

# A trust relationship policy defines which entity can assume this role. 
# In our case that will be the Amazon SageMaker service
trust_relationship_policy <- '{
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

# Creating the new IAM role
resp <- iam_client$create_role(Path = "/service-role/",
                        RoleName = role_name,
                        AssumeRolePolicyDocument = trust_relationship_policy,
                        Description = "SageMaker execution role created from RStudio")

# This is the role's ARN we need to save as an environment variable later! 
role_arn <- resp$Role$Arn

# Attach the AWS managed policy "AmazonSageMakerFullAccess" to the role. 
# This policy provides full access to Amazon SageMaker via the AWS Management Console and SDK. 
# It also provides selected access to related services (e.g., S3, ECR, CloudWatch Logs). 
resp <- iam_client$attach_role_policy(RoleName = role_name, 
                                      PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSageMakerFullAccess")

# Create a new managed policy which also will be attached to the new role. 
policy_document <- '{
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [

resp <- iam_client$create_policy(PolicyName = paste0("AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionPolicy-", time_stamp),
                                 Path = "/service-role/",
                                 PolicyDocument = policy_document)
policy_arn <- resp$Policy$Arn
resp <- iam_client$attach_role_policy(RoleName = role_name,
                                      PolicyArn = policy_arn)

# Print the role's ARN to the console and copy it to the clipboard

Saving the role ARN as an R environment variable

Now that we have the new role’s ARN, we will save it as an R environment variable under .Renivron. You can easily edit .Renviron using usethis::edit_r_environ(). Please add the following environment variable to the file and paste the ARN from your clipboard:


Make sure to re-start your R session.

Testing your setup

We are finally ready to test our setup! In RStudio select the new conda environment we created earlier:


use_condaenv("sagemaker-r", required = TRUE)

Execute the following lines of code which import the SageMaker Python module, create a SageMaker Session object and create a default Amazon S3 bucket for our sessions. Calling default_bucket() the first time will create the default bucket based on the following format: sagemaker-[YOUR_REGION]-[YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID]:

sagemaker <- import("sagemaker")
session <- sagemaker$Session()

my_bucket <- session$default_bucket()

If everything was configured correctly, you should have been able to execute the four lines of code above successfully and now see the name of your default Amazon S3 bucket printed to the console.


Congratulations, you made it through the entire configuration journey! In this article we showed how to configure your own RStudio environment to connect to Amazon SageMaker as an alternative to Amazon SageMaker Notebooks. In the next articles the real fun part will begin and we will use one example project to run through the entire machine learning process using Amazon SageMaker from RStudio. We will start with training and evaluating a XGBoost model in the next article of the series.

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