zementisr 0.5.0

  • Update hex logo format to .png and add favicons

  • Add unit test for spell checking

  • First CRAN submission

zementisr 0.4.2

  • Modify README, vignettes and tests to align with R pmml package release 2.0.0 and Zementis Server release 10.5

zementisr 0.4.1

  • Internal function get_zementis_base_url() stops adding “adapars” to base URL fetched from .Renviron

zementisr 0.4.0

Breaking changes

Minor improvements

zementisr 0.3.0

  • get_model_metrics() gets PMML model memory and model prediction metrics from Zementis Server

  • The model metrics vignette (see vignette("model-metrics")) shows how to download and visualize metrics for different kind of predictive models from Zementis Server

zementisr 0.2.0

  • download_model() downloads the original PMML model source from Zementis Server

zementisr 0.1.0

  • get_models() lists all models deployed to Zementis Server

  • upload_model() uploads PMML model (residing in memory or saved to a file) to Zemenits Server

  • get_model_properties() gets PMML model name, description, input and output field properties

  • activate_model() activates PMML model on Zementis Server

  • deactivate_model() deactivates PMML model on Zementis Server

  • delete_model() deletes PMML model from Zementis Server

  • apply_model() applies PMML model on single data record that is sent to Zementis Server

  • apply_model_batch() Applies PMML model to multiple data records (a data frame in memory or a file saved to disk) that are sent to Zementis Server

  • Read the Quickstart Guide vignette (see vignette("zementisr")) for an in-depth introduction to the zementisr package